Hi! I have a little problem:ex:
I have to put a text from an external source:
this is the code i put:
[INDENT]var loading = new LoadVars();
var textInterval:Number;
loading.onLoad = function (success){
if (success) {
textInterval = setInterval(writeStuff, 2000)
} else {
trace (“don’t found”);
function writeStuff():Void {
_root.testo1.text = loading.testoa; “testo1” <— text box in flash
} “testoa” <— text in .txt file
[/INDENT]The code work but characters as à,è,ò,ì,ù are not visualized on the text box in the .swf file.
The question is: How can i put it?? i’m a noob on AS code, and if you can explain what i have to do you will be very kind :pleased:
I accept solution in XML too
TY very much for help