Text typewriter effect wont work in DW

Its me again

Im using this AS code to have a typwriter effect. it works fine on flashplayer but when i put the flash file in Dreamweaver it plays the movie ok but does not show the text. Heres the code wood someone be kind enough to see whats wrong with it.

this.texto = “hola, que tal hermosa?”;
this.letraIndex = 0;
this.letras_array = [];
this.typeID = setInterval(this, “escribe”, 100);
this.escribe = function(){
var letraAEscribir = this.texto.charAt(this.letraIndex);
//var textoAEscribir = myString.concat(this.letras_array);
this.textBox.text += letraAEscribir;

we need some more information about your setup. You have some stuff missing in your code… for example… I dont see where you’re calling your function (escribe).

Its like this i have a main.swf page. in the main.swf page i have a masked area which loads in movie1.swf which when clicked on a button it loads, this text typer efect is on movie1.swf. it all works fine on flash player but when in dreamweaver it loads the movie1.swf onto the main.swf ok but when it comes to the text typing effect nothing happens.

i hope this will help u understand a bit more



Thanks kode the problem was that the font needed to be enbed for it to work


You’re welcome. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please search before posting next time, you’d have found the answer in a minute. :wink: