Hi people, I’ve search the forums and google but cant find what I’m after. What I’d like is the typewriter effect without using the timeline, so everything happens in the same frame, for example use of a function where you’d say output(message,targetmc).
Are you sure you did enough search. There are many tuts you can find through google…
Anyway here is the first link from my google search…
PS: =flash typewriter effect= is the keywork I used
You can use somthing like this:
_global.TW = function(target:TextField, str:String, updateRate:Number):Void {
var i=0,l=str.length,interval;
DisplayChars = function () {
target.text += str.charAt(i);
if (i++ == l) clearInterval(interval);
interval = setInterval(DisplayChars, updateRate);
TW(mytextField, "Hi people, I've search the forums and google but cant find what I'm after.", 80);
hey, thanks for your replies. I’ve used the code from theflash’s link. Sorry I was being retarded about use of frames etc (its been a while since i picked up flash). Have a new problem now though