Text with perspective

Im creating an application form. The fields have interaction with the rest of the movie (which is an image). The problem is the perspective and text. It just doesnt fit. I drew all the lines (considering a point out of the movie where all the lines merge, point of…i dont know the name…flight point?) to have a guide. The problem is that flash dont let me to distort the text boxes, so, the closer letter doesnt look bigger than the other one from the beginning. The shape itself is a box, like a cube with some perspective. There is where i want to fit the field and the text. If anybody knows how to solve this (or knows an add-on or a program) i would be more than thankful.
The other choice that i have is to use photoshop or freehand and import text as images, but with the imput fields is imposible. Anyway it look acceptable with the skew of flash, but it doiest look “good”, if you know what i mean.
Any help is welcome.I will recieve any help as a christmass gift:krazy::sailor::}:}