Transform -> Distort Text

I would like to know how to give a text perspective starwars type. I can only shear and rotate. I need the form /-\ text type.
Thanks in advance for anyone who helps. I now changed to MX.

I just did that very thing for a cartoon I am making. (My cartoon should be done and on the net in about a month!). This is how I did it:
Type out all the text in Photoshop.
Rasterize the text.
Select the area around the text.
Bring the two top corners in and the bottom corners out.
Save it as a .gif (or .png)
Import it to Flash, place it under the stage area and then use a tween or AS movement to move it upword across the screen.
I hope that helps!!

I always get two paralel lines and same lenght. I cannot separate them. I did what you told me but I can`t figure out where to put the pivot and what symbol should my cursor get.

Let me see if I`m right, I first press the q keyboard shortcut, then I press ctrl and get a white cursor near the corner and when I pull it i come back to where it starts: i converted my text into a symbol (both ways imported it from photoshop and also did it on vectorial form)
But I get a no can do.

Those parallel lines (I’m assuming) is skew which you can do in both FMX and PS. What I’m talking about is only in PS called distort. The pivit point I don’t think makes a difference with distort. The Cursor in PS when doing this will be a white triangle (like the white arrow without the end of it). The corners of your selected area should have white boxes. Basically, you do the transformation in PS and then save it as a picture with a transparent backround.
Did I answer you correctly?

ahhh yes. But you see I would like to make a japanese lamp spin and put some text on the sides. i made the lamp in swift and bitmapped the the thing I did on photoshop, but the only way to solve that was to rasterize some frames cause vectorial form no text would appear. That increased my file, so I was thinking of making perspective text on the sides of the lamp and so I need a library where I can distort it to the side of the lamp for every different frame.
I would need the 1 new picture for everyframe where the sides of the lamp would need it. I want to keep my file size low.
So I thought that vectorial text would be the best idea. I could also break it but no luck there yet.

Any ideas?

Thanks very much for your help.

Okay, now that I know what you are doing, I have a new idea for you. I’m guessing the text on the lamp is that which you want to distort like we talked about before…good, that’s done. This is what i suggest:
Make your distorted text into a movieClip.
Import it to flash. Now that will be the text that you need for the face of the lamp when it is facing the screen. Now, without rendering it in Swift3D or another 3D application, try this.
When your lamp spins, in flash, change the width and the location of the movieClip so it shortens the text as the lamp spins. Now to keep your file size low, use actionscript instead of tweens. It will be more labor intensive to the viewers processor, but it can be done using where _x is and _width.
Give that a try - let me know!