Spent yesterday afternoon working on this one, so I decided to try it with the straight-out-of-the-dictionary stuff in a new movie to see if it could work.
That failed, of course. Here’s what I started with:
function MyFunc(arg){
trace ("You clicked me! Argument was "+arg);
myTextField.htmlText ="<A HREF=\"asfunction:MyFunc,Foo \">Click Me!</A>";
This works super for a dynamic text box, but I want it to work in a textArea.
Here’s what I did:
function MyFunc(arg){
trace ("You clicked me! Argument was "+arg);
myTextArea.text ="<A HREF=\"asfunction:MyFunc,Foo \">Click Me!</A>";
and I set the textArea to html:true (lazy, didn’t do it in actionscript, crucify me later)…
So, where am I botching it?
The text renders fine, but when I click the link, I get diddly in the output window. If I change it to a standard web link like “www.yahoo.com”), it’ll launch a browser window.
myTextArea.text ="<A HREF=\'http://www.yahoo.com'>Click Me!</A>";
Wait, that gives me an idea. For the next version, Macromedia should call it ARRGshunScript.
Any help’s appreciated. Thanks!