Textfield align center and pixelfont

Hey my fellow kirupians,

I have a little problem with a dynamic textfield. I create it, style it and fill it with text. The text is centered, and sometimes it ends up between two pixels and the text becomes blurry.

var font:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
font.font = "Fjords";
font.size = 8;
font.color = 0x000000;
font.align = "center";
label_txt.antiAliasType = "advanced";
label_txt.gridFitType = "pixel";
label_txt.selectable = false;
label_txt.embedFonts = true;
label_txt.text = xmlModule.attributes.name.toUpperCase();

Unfortunately “pixel” does not work on center or right aligned text fields, so there my solution falls short.

How would you solve aligning a pixelfont centered?

Kind regards,