i finally started storyboarding my site redesign. i just sat down and started brainstorming and all these ideas flowed out, it was weird!!
i’m in the stages of just drawing it out on paper, scene by scene. i’m going to try and decide most of the components of it before i even touch the computer, like photos, color, fonts, etc.
your ideas on how to get inspiration really helped out! :beam:
congrats! its hard to do but good when you do, ik had a few ideas but now i scratched them all i need to start agian, i cant wait to see yours though! :thumb:
*Originally posted by pinx *
**i finally started storyboarding my site redesign. i just sat down and started brainstorming and all these ideas flowed out, it was weird!!
i’m in the stages of just drawing it out on paper, scene by scene. i’m going to try and decide most of the components of it before i even touch the computer, like photos, color, fonts, etc.
your ideas on how to get inspiration really helped out! :beam: **
hey… I came up with a design that’s really cool that a client didn’t really like… you wanna see it?