The average Age of the People of Kirupa

I voted… Me 20 years old :slight_smile:

me be 20 too :slight_smile:

me be 18 :cool:

im 16

23 here.

im probably the youngest…



>40, +++ … /:elderly:\

[size=1]…but younger than Mick Jagger :beam:[/size]

im 10. almost 12.

hahahah fez…

Hey mdipi! Yeh, I just turned 13, on March 7th.

I have to admit something… I lied about my age when I registered (i was 12, said i was 13)! But now I am 13, so its no longer a lie! :slight_smile:

technically im 15… intellectually though, im much older :stuck_out_tongue:

14 here! =)

im 18

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**old fart… **

Then I guess that would make me an even older fart. :stuck_out_tongue:

I took my first programming course before over 70% of those that have responded were born.

Do they make orthopedic mice?

abzoid, [SIZE=1]who was born during the Eisenhower administration.[/SIZE]



well on my way to becoming an old fart

This thread makes me sad…

32… Getting older minute by minute… :frowning:

why sad Cyan? you’ve gotten past all the horrible youthful angst of life. You now have 40 odd years or more in which to enjoy life.

youth is waisted on the young.

Hey, I resent that statement david.

Well you know what!!!

Life is wasted on the OLD! :scream:

Haha, just kidding. I don’t really mean that, and im not offended either.

I thought it was “death is waisted on the old” :stuck_out_tongue: