im new here, i usually post on something leet, i found this site very helpful, so i decided to start posting her as well.
hio all^
im new here, i usually post on something leet, i found this site very helpful, so i decided to start posting her as well.
hio all^
hey welcome to kirupa fourms. Enjoy your stay here.
P.S- can you please change your footer to 60x300…Thanks
hello and welcome.
There is a Tell us About yourself thread above, and a Nation’s sign in which we would like you to enter some info, if you don’t mind…
As a last note, your footer is not legal sized (60x300 x15k), please change it when you have a chance. Thanks,
welcom in english, marhaba in arabic, bienvenu in french, bienvenida in spanish
Hey what’s up!
Please make your footer smaller
hahah - welcome man, nice to see you here.
Could you change your footer pleae? (everyone else was saying it )
Hi welcome
please change your footer to 60x300
Hey hey! Welcome to the forums - please do change your footer’s size though
Yes. PLEASE change the size of your footer. Sorry. This is spam. I shouldnt have said that. I really shouldnt have said that…
BTW Nice footer :beam: !
lol this is so funny…
change your fotter! :beam:
is this really needed?
let the mods decided what is needed, and who’s footer needs changed… okay?
I know you are just trying to help, but we have it handled…
i wasnt talking about the footer size, i was talking about how so many posts are telling the new member to change there footer. thats all, i didnt mean any harm by my statement.
Alex, it’s all in good fun my man
If he is going to be a member he has to be able to take a joke
I know, you did in the 2nd post above, when you cross posted with me. Don’t be defensive, this isn’t an attack on you.
I’m saying <i>in general</i>… let the mods handle this stuff, there is no need for you to get involved, and it could cause friction.
welcome Fortitude!!! have a good time, and try not to spam so much.
Arghh!! Everyone is in such a mood, everyone stop thinking!!!
it really seems like every one including me is stressed out.
im really chilled, even though i was in ‘the’ debate…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I know, you did in the 2nd post above, when you cross posted with me. Don’t be defensive, this isn’t an attack on you.
I’m saying <i>in general</i>… let the mods handle this stuff, there is no need for you to get involved, and it could cause friction.
Rev **
I really didnt mean to be defensive, i was just trying to say that everyone was posting the same thing in every post. I ment to put a smilie in that post but i did it the quick way and i forgot. im sorry if you took that the wrong way, i will try to be more clearer on my futrue posts.
sorry again:)
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