The average Age of the People of Kirupa

i just want 2 know the avarage age on this baord!!

i’m 16 btw

T-O, the demensions of your footer needs to be 300 x 60 so please change it.

nonono EG, 300x60 OR LESS =)

oops, sorry EG, I presses the edit button… I WAS aiming for the quote one… :blush:


Hey! I am in the manority with 13-15! (13 for me)

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**I’m 25 and T-O, the demensions of your footer needs to be 300 x 60 so please change it. **

i think i told him that before a while back…

i’ll change it

Mike haha same here dude.


wait did you just turn 13? cause you said you got money for you b-day

old fart…


I’m 17! :beam: The best age in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:


wow, 70% of members are younger than 18 =)

*Originally posted by Lynx *

wow, 70% of members are younger than 18 =) **

and that surprises you?

actually yes, but as I can see now it’s less than 70% (I guess it’s about 50%)

hehe well * everybody * hasnt posted yet, the old farts - mmh mods, veterans and all the lazy people :wink: !

well I am one of the oldER guys here… 24 soon to be 25

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**nonono EG, 300x60 OR LESS =)

oops, sorry EG, I presses the edit button… I WAS aiming for the quote one… :blush:

sooorryyy… **

haha who edited my post?

me :blush:

oh hahah, I thought a non-mod was able to edit my post. =)

ahah mods can edit other mods thread… hehe dictatorship can be censored ??? good to know…

World Dictator:

hey mlk-

I voted already, what are you talking about…?


well i meant all the OTHEr old farts, com’on there must be some… :beam:

hehe… no they can’t… I hope!

I was just correcting the footer rules before you forced an innocent member to change his footer :stuck_out_tongue: