The Blackout reaches England!

Hola! Well you guys just had blackouts over in America. Well we’re copying :stuck_out_tongue: Or more specifically my town is. This morning the power went. It was weird, my computer went off, I thought it was just playing up lol. Then all the alarms in the town started going off. I had to go to work then.

A restaurant with no power doesn’t work very well :sure: I enjoyed it really, it was like an adventure, especially in this pitch black kitchen! Anyway, it made the day more interesting.

  • Soul :s:

pfft! it’s not copying the US… it’s because you live ‘ooop North’… where nothing ever works :wink:


*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**pfft! it’s not copying the US… it’s because you live ‘ooop North’… where nothing ever works :wink: **

that a boy asphalt put him in his place!

(can you hook me up now?)

and yeah you NORTHERN (another kudo point for mike) englanders are copycats!

suckers is more the way i would put it…

*Originally posted by *
(can you hook me up now?)
give it up! :stuck_out_tongue:

We didn’t have a power cut down here, but Churchill did experience 3 hours of network failure so I couldn’t work (or connect to the Net or do anything) all Friday afternoon. That count? :slight_smile:

We’re copying the rest of the world that didn’t have a blackout! :stuck_out_tongue: