The Diablo II 1.10 Patch Has Arrived!

This was brought up in another thread so I thought it’d be relavent news. Get it now from battle net.

Yay ! Diablo II was one of my favourite games, and still is =) By the way, nice footer and avatar sen :wink:

Hey Mr. Sen, if you plan on playing again now that the patch is out, I’ll be on East as *dd_x

Marry me!

hehe I dont know. Id like to but I dont have much time anymore

Im on east as *InsectOcean

its only a beta patch isnt it ??

only a beta!!!

it completely messed up the game, so that i dont wanna play in a realm anymore~~~~~

anyone for a TCP/IP game?

[i dont hack thats why]

only a beta!!!

it completely messed up the game, so that i dont wanna play in a realm anymore

yeah to right… thats why im waiting till full version release

its not beta, its the final release

OMG its actually been released after 2 long years…

Cheers man i would have been blissfully unaware if not for that…:thumb:


I’ve had fun with it for the past couple days. It’s a dream to see the realms so active with friendly players again, and not those scumbag cheating … well, you know.

I’ve always been a fan of the D2 community. So nice.

anyone have a decent link to a site which has info on all the new runewords/crafted recipes for diablo 2 now the new patch is out ?

I have looked but with no luck :frowning:

How many Diablo players whipped out their hex editors and “Re-engineered” their characters?

im starting again personally , i wanna know how different it is now by going from level 1 all over again.
So goodbye to lvl 91 druid hello level 1 :frowning: oh well never mind huh

level 1 is more fun anyway. So is hardcore. Thats the only way I play. You’re much more cautious and don’t advance as fast. Plus, when you die, you’re dead. It adds more to the game. Theres more excitement and tension in battles (and more cursing when those … whatever they are… tear you a new one without you expecting it and you need to start over again from scratch).

I’ll probably get into it again, but I’ll have to wait until I get a new computer which wont be until the end of the year.

What there still patching that game. I have to get it back from that guy i lend it to 2 years ago.

My character editor don’t work they keep saving illegal combinations boo hoo