The Matrix: Effects

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for a Matrix bit streaming effect like in the movie (and no, the one at is horrible and nothing like in the movie).

I’m trying to find tutorials so I could create one with the Japanese characters, the white highlight streaming down, the numbers all going down in a patterns, shifting left and ride, fading in and out, etc.


  • OniGoD

Have you got any examples from the movie or sommet i could see, cause i am currently working on that effect for a friend but cant find a good example to what i gotta achieve.

Well, do you have the movie by any chance? It’s the bit stream effect directly from the beginning of the beginning, after the scene with Trinity. Try downloading the first part of the movie maybe - I have the DVD, so I can’t really show you anything offhand.

Actually, go to

There, you’ll see the exact effect I’m talking about.

  • OniGoD

This is what i got so far i aint yet addressed the colour/lighting or changing value of text. Lol it aint great i know, but is it headin the rite direction?

pretty neat lunar :slight_smile:

definitely in the right direction!

looks great:A+:

That looks excellent!! Very good work. All it needs is japanese characters mixed with numbers, and that white highlight randomly running down from the bottom characters.

Keep up the great work; I’m going to have to go over the code to understand the concept and memorize it.

Keep this threat posted :slight_smile:

  • OniGoD

Cheers guys :), but i can’t take all the credit i used kirupas snow tutorial as a basis for my design. Oni what exactly to you mean by the random white ? just trying to get it into my head what i gotta do lol =)

you might want to randomize opacities on the duplicated movie clips to give more perspective to it…
