The most amazing night

Hey everyone, I just got back from the most amazing night ever.
I was at a concert and blah blah… but I was up against the baracade and dead center. It was so awesome… then i got the bass pick of my favorite band thingy and weeee and idk what im writing cuz my ears are wringing and im twitching… it was so awesome except me and my girlfriend got in a fight
oh well

Hmm… Oh well about the girlfriend just worry about one night of happiness… Foolish :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao… Just Kidding… Who was playing?


what concert did you go to?

I saw authority zero, starting line, no use for a name, and sum 41.
authority zero was great
starting lines my favorite band, and thats the one i got the pick off
no use for a name was really good
and sum 41 pretty much sucks… oh well

my ears are still ringing after 11 hours of sleep… thats good right?