From Penn State’s student newswire…
- PENN STATE AND NAPSTER TEAM UP TO MAKE LEGAL TUNES AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS Penn State University announced today it is going to revolutionize the music world with a ground-breaking agreement with the online music service Napster. Speaking in California at the annual EDUCAUSE meeting of thousands of information technology administrators from universities around the country, Penn State President Graham B. Spanier said the University has signed an agreement with Napster to launch a program in which Penn State will make Napster’s Premium Service available at no cost to its students. The program will be phased-in beginning Jan. 12, 2004, the first day of classes for Penn State’s spring semester. The Penn State-Napster agreement, and other similar arrangements expected to be formed by universities around the country, could revolutionize the way millions of college students obtain and listen to music through streaming audio and song file downloads via high-speed Internet and campus connections - all in a completely legal manner that complies with copyright laws. Read the full story at
- U.S. CONGRESS PRAISES PENN STATE FOR MUSIC SERVICE INITIATIVE Congressman Lamar Smith issued the following statement today (Nov. 6) regarding Penn State’s announcement that it will make Napster’s music service available at no cost to its students:
“Today’s agreement establishes Penn State as a leader in the fight against the illegal sharing of songs on peer-to-peer networks. If other colleges and universities take similar steps the widespread violation of intellectual property rights on campuses will be sharply reduced.A legal online music marketplace – one that compensates artists and offers listeners high-quality music – is what we all want to see flourish.” Read the full story at
This affects me because I go to Penn State, but I want to see what you all think about it. Gonna work? Not gonna help?
Personally I’m a little upset they didn’t sign a deal with iTunes