p2p networking

ok not sure if this is random or ordered so ill put it here.

I wanna know if anyone knows the specific legalities of downloading files from services such as Emule and Kazaa.

I have both of them and i assume they are legal , but i do not understand how ?
Many of them have pirated and illegal copies (not that i care particularly) but im intrigued to know how these are allowed to exist when they flagrantly abuse copyright laws ??
or am i missing some legal loophole…?

People distributing music files not of their own creation (copyrighted material) is technically illegal. Same goes for movies. This is what the RIAA and MPAA (respectively) are cracking down on. If people can freely download music from major (or even minor) artists, there is a loss of money (or so is the argument of the RIAA :sigh:**). Therefore, it is considered stealing. They like using the example of stealing from any store as something similar.

Kazaa and eMule themselves are not illegal (because they have the potential to distribute NON-copyrighted material), but the content that gets distributed through these services are.

Hope that cleared some things up.

ah i see kinda like selling guns is legal in the USA, but what you do with them isnt always legal :slight_smile:

In a sense, yes. But in that example the consequence comes only after the act.

yes its a metaphor which doesnt bear up to close examination admittedly but you get my drift right.

Better make use of em then before the authorities and corporate types put the block on it then and ban things like that.
They ruin all our fun…:nerd:

all P2P is illegal… from the days of Napster (the old Napster) to Kazaa and Overnet.

you should not do it but i find if i buy an album for £15 and it is **** i am really pissed, but i use my P2P to sample songs and if i like the album or song (not really 1 song but diffently an album) i will go and buy it.

so it is good that way. or if i want to test some software becuase demos and trails suck i use it like that and yes i no that is not allowed but until the RIAA have nothing better to do then pick on my i am going to keep doing it… :be:

*Originally posted by Not2Sure *
**all P2P is illegal… **

No. Its not. A federal judge has declared that the p2p program itself is not illegal. Using it to download copyrighted material is what makes it illegal. Its the act not the instrument of action.

Bascially this judge overturned what happened to Napster, but it didn’t matter because Napster was dead.

I don’t think they should be suing people, I think they should be lowering the cost of their CDs. If CDs were $10 I would start buying them again.

*Originally posted by Vash *
**No. Its not. A federal judge has declared that the p2p program itself is not illegal. Using it to download copyrighted material is what makes it illegal. Its the act not the instrument of action.

Bascially this judge overturned what happened to Napster, but it didn’t matter because Napster was dead.

I don’t think they should be suing people, I think they should be lowering the cost of their CDs. If CDs were $10 I would start buying them again. **
Yes, I believe I mentioned that above, Not2Sure. :sigh:

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