How many pounds are you?

Today i steped on the skell to see how much i whought is (no i cant spell)
and it said i was 135.8 pounds. i am 16 and not even 136. this is insane

well, not sure about pounds but I weight 80 kilos :stuck_out_tongue: anybody knows how much is that in pounds???

yuo weigh 176.368 pounds i weigh 128 pounds(or around 58 kilos) but i’m 15 so its a lil cheap

i beleive to convert kilos to punds it is multiply kilos by 2.2046

I way 92 pounds, and a tiny 14 year old…

wow, I have to start exercising :stuck_out_tongue:

acually i beleive that would probably be that average male weight and if you exsersise right yuo’ll gain pounds because musle weighs more than fat

-side note-
we need spell check :slight_smile:

Here is a convertor for both for you people who want to know lbs or kilos

78 kilos - 188cm tall

I’m running a litle heavier than my normal weight.

I’m about 202 pounds or, 91 Kilos

173 lbs.

About 98 lbs. - I usually hit triple digits in the winter but try to stay under 100 in the summer.

215, lunitic come by i’ll feed ya :wink:

Digital, you could fly all the way over to Portland to feed her and when you call she’ll just be working and not really able to talk to you.


yeah, because you’ll probably call on a Monday when most normal people are working even though you say “yeah, we should try to get together this weekend for a coffee”. :sure:

Thanks for the offer digital but I work off pounds trying to make sure all the boys in my house don’t drop a digit off their weight :stuck_out_tongue:

that is awesome but sucks for you lunitic

I weight 110 pounds…

(although isn’t that really a mass?)

Geez where are the ladies? I want to know how fat they are this summer.

Lunatic posted… She’s a lady.

All these years I thought Lunatic was a guy.

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . . . . lol
