The New Windows RG, free release!

Really Good edition!
<embed src=“” width= 616 height=448 >

hey, dun forget to empty ur recycle bin when ur done :P:P:P

I really liked the Windows Media Player

nice…lol…someone has to much time on their hands…

:stuck_out_tongue: that is very cool!

wow man, that’s great work!! hahaha

I bet that took some time. I really liked the killing of the paperclip bugger :slight_smile:


I don’t see anything I haven’t seen with windows before. Whats so special about this:P

*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**I don’t see anything I haven’t seen with windows before. Whats so special about this:P **

WHAT??? :evil:

Oh you mean that was someones imatation of windows. I thought that was real. It responded just like Windows ME did for real. :stuck_out_tongue:

hey guys,

what were u thinking when u saw the title! :stuck_out_tongue:
did u really thought there is a new release

No we are just joking. it is called sarcasim. :stuck_out_tongue:
I thought it was a great piece of work.:slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

Lighten up dude~! :o

stretch, relaaaaaax…

This is Kirupaville, the next stop over from Margaritaville…

Got it? :beard: =) :o :bandit: :asian: :goatee:

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **


i really dunno what your talking about, wanna PM me or something to be more specific

ohh, delete this thread plz :frowning:

if this is not what your talking about, please PM me

Haha great job h88. I’ve seen some good ones but yours is pretty awesome. I like the Windows Media Player as well, along with the paperclip.


LOL Phil what are you talking about? I’m commenting on his Flash movie on Windows that he did. I thought it was very funny and well done.


PJ kirupa banned PMs? or IMs? we dont or never have had IMs, exept AIM.

There is no link it is a movie in the first post.
