The official Gmail Invite Giveaway thread

Thanks Tony! Got me a shiny new Gmail Account . heehee. chuffedPixi.

merged threads :evil:

Chris BArtels

Hi I have been looking every and asking tons of people so i am asking you great poeple to help me out and send me a gmail invite plz!! I will love you till the day i die :thumb:!!!

O yeah MY Name Is Chris Bartels and my email is

sigh check your inbox… :wink:

thank you so much

If anyone finds an invite stuck between the keypads =)
John Doe :sigh:
mlkdesign [@t] online [d0t] fr

No problem, I still have 6 left :smiley:

Just in case you got a spare invite lying around…

…I don’t need it! I got my own email: ‘somename[at]paddyduke[dot]co[dot]uk’. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :p:

(No, really, ‘somename[at]paddyduke[dot]co[dot]uk’ is actually one of the addresses.)

sent ya an invite you scrub :slight_smile:

lol how do you get them so you can send them out

looks like google send them randomly to people who already have one, I got 5 more and I dont know what to do with them :stuck_out_tongue:

I received a few more also :slight_smile:

Can you send me one more for my friend plz?

gmail would be really nice :smiley:

name: mr. ya3 thepower (seeing as other ppl didn’t use their real names)

i got mine from somewhere else, so i dont need one anymore. If i get a invite i will tell u guys!

I have 12 gmail accounts to give away, give me an email at : and I will hook you up…it may be a day or two though, so much homework at my new school…

CAN I HAVE ONE !!! pretty please with a cherry on top :beam: (hey can’t blame me for tryin can ya)

my name is luke greiner
email =


I got another six to give away!!!
