The Official Unofficial Smiley Thread

glad you liked it phil!!!

Nice work Mario…

How bout a demented serial killer smile?..say Jason?

he he

whoohooo [realizes she just cant seem to get away from looking younger than see is…] but i love it MARIOFAN!!! Thanks!!

haha, cool smilies! i like ren’s best since it totally matches her avatar…

i’m thinking eilsoe mario and gugi0 and others should have a smilie battle…would be interesting…

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

I already ordered my smilie from MF, can’t wait to see it =)

DUDE CAN I HAVE one? Be lovin soccer and motocross

ordered the smilie? are you paying him??

i can just see it now on MF’s resume

Last occupation: smilie maker


I’m a smilie maker too ya know… don’t forget!! :wink:

I made the smilie general to the left of here (avatar)… riight?

which is why i suggested a smilie battle…it would be cool


Me too!!! :slight_smile: I can’t hardly wait for my smilie :beam:

Eilsoe did my wonderful cyborg smilie - :cyborg:

Although I think the ALT text for them should have our names. :slight_smile:

wow mario fan you rock dude :slight_smile:

We love smilies. :slight_smile:

Except whatever things Ponies eat… I bet they HATE ponies.

The grass is having a nice day, relaxing in the sun, and all of a sudden a pony comes.

“Great, the ***kin pony is here, either to eat me or to crap on me…”

i feel left out. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

i cant believe it, the soul smilie (with body) has spawned a new thread (pixel people) - now everybody is creating these things!!!

now i can relax a little!

if anybody still want smilies - then just pm me…


wink wink

I look like that, I am known as the forum ******* so they gave me a mean face lol

ok dan! im on to it!


everybody else who requested - i know who you are and you will recieve them soon!

GOD needs a smilie

I will always love those who believe and dont