The Official Unofficial Smiley Thread

Lol. i see what hes doing. remember in enders game where ender signs on as god? something similar i presume.

OOH i want a smily

i love you mariofan,

ill get on with everyones smileys today sometime!

:m: :m: :m: :m:

no rush smiley god!

smiley god lol


heh, thats awesome dan

huh? i thought guests couldnt post?

Enders game is awesome!!!

is this a good smilie? worth of being an official kirupa smilie?

[SIZE=1]it fits the standard size ans specifications ;)[/SIZE]


i did you one too guigO

really? did you posted it? i must have missed it… i´ll search it now

oh… and… thanks mario! you rox! (and i´m sure my smilie rox too ;))

it should be at the beginning of this thread!


were is it? i can´t find it :frowning:

oh… i see! thanks again mario! it´s perfect =)


no probs!


now that one is small enough to poss get in the coveted “Smiley Box.”


:m: :s: :battery: :esmirk: :block: :rock:

these got in … by me … so proud!


hey mario, make me one please

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**now that one is small enough to poss get in the coveted “Smiley Box.”

Rev **

this one too rev?

it’s not my choice G…

but the 1 above is larger than the other smiley’s in the box…
