The "Right" kind of Education

This thread is about chooseing the right kind of post-secondary education! simply put, it’s hard to find what you really want to study and be confident in keeping up with things! I really love the internet, and everything that resolves around it’s unexplainable phenomenon of being so attractive, atleast it’s how i see it…i see job positngs like “web developer” “dot net webdeveloper” “senior web designer/developer” but most, not all, went post-secondary diplomas or certificates…ive been looking into a few universities, not colleges! don’t ask why i dont want to go to them, and none offer the right kind of education towards the internet…? ive been intrested in taking multimedia and web design, at this online university, but than again, im not so sure as to how well received they are, when an emplyer sees a diploma from them???

Anyone have or has had this problem or is it just me?

ps. im looking into unviersities in Canada not in Europe where im right now

Thanks for listening.


I’ve found work in two companies as a web developer with no diploma. Web Designs isn’t one of those careers that a degree or certificate is required for. It all depends on your experience and your portfolio.

Why not call some of the web design companies you’d like to work for and ask them what they think of the online programs?

Thanks :slight_smile: that sounds good!! …have you or anyone else persued anything like that online diplomas???

Well are you talking about those emails I get about online diplomas?

Or are you talking about real colleges and universities, ie Harvard that offer classes online?

The field of web/graphic design is one of those exceptioned to not needing a certificate, degree or diploma. Like Ethan and many others, they probably had a large insterest in this field since when they were young and imagination carries through their work. My I.T teacher has discuss this in my class and there is a difference now between a person who has certificate and high grades and another person with no real certiciates but has done a considerable amount of work for clients. I would probably think that companies would go for those having experince with clients already and its not neccessarily they would take the other one. If your going to college/university its more about the theory side of design. In Australia here, we have Tafe (Techinical and Further Education). Its a bit different than Univeristy or College because in terms of academic marks and grades, marks and percentages are lower. It doesnt mean that students that go here are low-grading students, Tafe takes a different perpective and allows students to grab a larger hands-on approach and more work you do is practical and thus allowing you much experience. Paul (Soulty) has gone to Tafe and he certainly liked it :wink:

You dont really need a Bachelor Degree in this field. If you got what it takes, effort, high interest and a good sense of creativity and imagination, than nothing else takes place of it. But when you increase your work and knowledge well thats when its approariate to work for a diploma I guess, to boost considering clients confident in your work.

I would guess they are fine, but remember there are different levels or presteige in those schools as well. I would make sure you go to a well known one that has a good reputation, like the university of phoenix.