Yes, that is true at least from my experience! Did you ever try to apply a motion tween on your scroll-bar? Well - it doesnt work! ;o) I’m using Flash Player 6 and maybe there is the problem…I don’t know…
I just know that if you pres enter, while editing your movie the tween goes nice and the bar moves right, but when you test it…It just sits at the start point, or at the last frame of the tween it jumps to it’s final position…
Hey I wasnt having this problem, but i was interested to see if putting the scrollbar inside an mc works… it didnt work for me. I dont need to do this for anything but now I am kinda curious.
I inserted a blank mc on the stage, put the scroll bar inside the mc and tweened it. It didnt work ???
Powder, it sounds like you tweened the scroll bar withing the MC. I meant you have to nest the scroll bar in a MC and then tween the MC that is on the stage. So the MC is moving, not the actual scroll bar.