The simpsons: Be gone!

I love simpsons, I just dont get to watch them as much as I want. I love the new episodes! They are great!

But I also love futurama, and was disapointed when they canceled it. But I do now have all the episodes…

like… now ay maan! Me thinks they’re great! but everyone has their own opinion so… I don’t care

I dont have an opinion, i keep dropping it and it runs out of ink.
lol =)

Simpsons are Great =)

first line: “I don’t have an opininon”
second line: “Simpsons are great”

yes… i am an enigma… an oxyMoron without the Oxy…

=) lol i ment to do that =)

now the show that really needs to be off air is “friends”. how dare you mention the sympsons in such a way.

simpsons, not sympsons

I think it should have stopped a few years ago… Southpark kicks it’s butt any day…


I think Futurama rocks…

also King of the Hill busts my gut every time I watch it…

and let us not forget Wallace & Grommit …



Now i’m one of the biggest Simpsons fans you will ever find and i have to say i do agree with some of trolls points. This doens’t mean the show should be taken off the air it jsut needs some new life breathed into it.

It is very true that every episode now needs to have some excuse to use a celebrity guest aperance which is gettign very old. I really think they need to stop with this idea that we want to hear a celebrity’s voice every sunday.

The episodes have always been a little hit and miss on funny but now they do eally seem to be more in the miss side of things. Some new writers should really be looked at.

All and all i love the show and will never stop watching.

We are talking about a show where you have seen an episode 10 times and will still waych it agin if it is on. What other show can u say that aobut.

PS There is a chance we will see a simpsons move or 2. In the last contract signing it was added that up to 3 movies where expected.

Yeah, I was very pleased to hear that the new episodes were showing in Belgium (we’re a bit behind) but OH MY GOD! That episode in Japan sucked big times!! Even Futurama is getting better, and it sucks too.

If they stop making the simpsons, we might be forced to watch more second-rate crap such as Oliver Bean, which is a pathetic clone of Malcom in the Middle, which was a much-needed update to the Wonder Years. However, nothing can be as bad as that show, ‘the Pitts’.

I never even watched it, and i could tell it is crap.

oh yeah: screw FOX for not keeping the Family Guy around…

The best show right now on TV is “Crank Yankers”… yaaaaaaaaaay (omg Sepcial Ed owns you all :P)

Special Ed is my Fav!! but the show could use alot Of WOrk!its funny, but not OMG funny… its just medeokre entertainment IMHO

the whole reason for the over the top language and violence is because Matt & Trey (the creators) are pissed at the network censors, and try to see how much they can get away with…

It’s amazing what they say yes to, and what they don’t allow…


Flashinnions didnt work out the way i wanted it to…

It appears my ADD prevents me from actually doing alot of cool things… i appologize…

Coca Cola doesn’t help ADD…

I’m not saying anything :wink:

I don’t even know why I mention it.

sometimes I’m a spaz…


lol I drink coke beacause sip i like it sip i can stop sip sip whenever… gulp i want… sip

hehe Well Coke has been in my family for years and ive actually cut back alot =)

lol… yea… i suppose that’d help me work faster lol…

Hey I know what you mean. Abzoid just kicked the diet coke monkey, and I still suck down the Classic Coke by the 6 pack…

Our mother used to have cases of coke in bottles in the garage. We couldn’t drink them, but Mom always had Coca Cola…

oh well, only one of my vices…

