The simpsons: Be gone!

I really think the simpsons should end, it is now the most Boring piece of crap on TV. Don’t get me wrong, i onced loved the simpsons, and i still do love the old episodes, they are hilarious. Lately though, they’ve been pumping out the worst garbage ever, not once do any new episodes make me laugh. New episodes are BASED on homer getting hurt, and having some ******* celebrity come onto the show. It’s so terrible it hurts my head. The ONLY reason i watch it now is in hope that they will have a good show, which they never do. The show should be canceled, that way they would at least come a little bit ahead as far as reputation goes, if they continue any longer they are gonna lose their once amazing reputation. The show was good, the ideas are gone, they need to get off TV.

It’s still one of my favorites, but I do agree, the quality has diminished over time and I find I enjoy the older episodes more than the newer ones.

some of the newer ones were funny, but I end up catching something else on Sunday nites…

Homer getting medical mary jane was hilarious…


then don’t watch?

*Originally posted by 350z *
**then don’t watch? **


but then again, that wouldn’t make nearly as interesting of thread now would it…



this thread should be locked. its blasphemy i tell you. blasphemy. AIIBIN GLAIBIN(or however its phonetically spelled)

hmm i still like it…

*Originally posted by *
**hmm i still like it… **

Yes, but you like X-Box…



Simpsons are still I think the most alsome cartoon-type show ever. Your examining it or thinking way too much it if you are not finding it funny. The other possibility is just that maybe you are growing too old for it. Personally, I’d say that I’ll never get old of the Simpsons and I actually like the newer episodes better.

that is, afterall, the reason they have horse races…

difference of opinion…



*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Yes, but you like X-Box…


Rev **

Woah below the belt there Rev. It’s true, but still :wink: hehehe…

j/k (or am i? :evil: )

I think most of the new episodes are awesome. Some have not been that funny. But they are still very funny to me. I don’t think they should cancell it. That is the olny show I watch. I try not to watch tv at all though. It’s scary. hehe, na it just gives me a headache, I find for some reason I feel better when I don’t watch tv too. Its wierd. but…I like it.

I agree that the new episodes are no way near as good as the older ones. I still find the show great and Homer is my hero.

You have to consider the amount of time the show has been on the air though. Twice as long as most hit shows. They have to start running out of new bits sooner or later.

IMH O…Family Guy is waaaaayyyyy funnier

HAHAHAH, family guy is awesome. BUT, i don’t think funnier than simpsons. …thinks about it well…it’s about even really. I just got the first 2 seasons on DVD and its non stop laughs. I love that show.

Southpark lost it for me for a while, but I continued to watch (Hey I’m a SF Giants fan, so I can take the bad with the good)…

Lately they have been extremely funny again, so who knows… Humor is subjective… We also expect a lot from people who weren’t even involved at the beginning of the show (the people who started the Simpsons really don’t have much to do with it anymore), and are trying to stay true to the fans…

I am still a Southpark fan from wayyyyy back… I’m a recent Simpson’s fan (it was shown at my Moe’s during happy hour for a while), especially while drinking with friends…



BLASPHEMY!!! The Simpsons shall Remain King!!
As is says in the bible…

"… and the lord proceeded to say, ‘Keep thy people happy, and Bask in My glory’. And they did. The lord continued “And let thee make more Simpsons, for they Glorify my creation [Television], and do so forever and ever. Amen” Lovejoy 1:45

hehehehe =)

The simpsons might not be as good as it used to be, but it is still by far the best show on television. Television shows are just becoming worse and worse. Half the shows are now reality shows, and the other half are either predictable or just stupid. There have been 300+ episodes of the simpsons and I’ve seen all of them at least once, and yet I still can’t predict what will happen.

I know there are many people that love the simpsons still, but the quality of the show has degraded so much it’s not funny. Look back at an old episode like the Max Power episode, now that was funny. Quote " ‘Homer: there’s three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way and the max power way’ ‘Bart: Isn’t that just the wrong way?’ ‘Homer: but faster’" Now that was a good episode, many of the old ones were. Now if you look at the episodes today, they are terrible, i recently saw one where homer started walking places and Marge hits him with a car, and they go through councelling. That episode was SOO boring, not once did i laugh, many times i got frustrated just watching it, most new episodes are boring to the power of 10. The reason i dont stop watching it is because a small part of me prays that the new episodes wont be garbage, but they always are. Matt Greoning should stop the show before it looses its reputation as a great cartoon.

Not all of the old episodes were good either. but many of the new one’s are. The one that goes through each of the family member’s day, where marge cuts off homer’s finger and Bart finds the fireworks. That one was just hilarious.

I love the simpsons…maybe even too much. For example just before I read this thread I thought of something funny Homer said and laughed… ;). But yeah the new ones do suck, I don’t even watch them all the time. But the old episodes I think I have seen them all at least 3 times each. Homer is the best…I don’t understand why alot of people I know hate the simpsons and find it offensive??? I guess life offends them then…