The Sweetest Picture Ever

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

This made me laugh pretty hard and I watched it at least 10 times. so phunny~ :P:P:P

hehehe, the first time i saw it i did the same thing. only, i wateched it like 20 times. lol :beam:

don’t you dare tell me what i would and would not laugh at.

No one wants to see a pic of a flaming plane by the WTC. And the fact that Osama ‘looks like an arse’, well frankly, he doesn’t, (no mroe so then usual).

you know, being hypocritical is unbecoming of a lady

but seriously, i understand that you cant take a joke, but you dont have to read what I write. In the same turn, you have a right to besmurch me by saying whatever you want about the value of this picture(and vicariously my own character), and I too have that same right to besmurch you for being a pickled fetus about the whole thing.
As far as i’m concerned, life, death, the steelworker’s union, and just about everything else is funny. However that fact does not in any way intimate my morality. I dont want to go into a long description, but I can assure you that I dont sympathize or empathize with terrorists who kill innocent civs nor do I believe that the 9-11 hijackers were in any way shape or form justified in their actions. I would murder those freaks just as soon as see them.
I simply believe that a big wheel with bin laden in it flying over the wtc as it happens is so farsical that it breaches the line of offensive humor into the realm of comical absurdity, thus making it quite funny in many ways. Also, when viewed in line with the other pictures, the whole set makes for a ‘where’s waldo effect’ that is contrasted by the blatant poor quality paste-in of the terrorist in the big wheel.

You tell me to not make presumptions about taste in humor, meanwhile you make much more severe assumptions about my value system and morality, thus attacking my character based solely on what I think is funny. I understand why you think it is not as funny as it is offensive, but you must understand that with any joke, someone will always be offended, and making light of tragedy is one of the fundamental ways that humanity has dealt with grief throughout the history of the civilized world.

read backwards buddy, I didnt start it. dont expect me to let a shoddy argument pass without refute.

Just a tip, when PJ tells you to do something, you’d better listen or you’ll find yourself cast out of the Utopia of Kirupa and into the cold, cruel inner city of the 'net.

Gooooood MORNING!
(the early bird gets the worm - not matter how ugly)

RG: Ah bonsai kitten. It’s a pitty it’s not real. (Kidding.) What do I have against the cat pictures? I just find them really cheesy. You know, like the type of really bad joke your dad might (and often does :sigh:) make that makes you think “Eurgh… not again.”

'nother picture!

Why do I taste so delicious?

I love this comic, and thought this strip was particularly funny…

well, maybe this will cheer him up:

why does this keep happening to me?


It’s trying to kill me…

BAD MAGIK: hehe - funny.

I like the “why do i taste so delicious” & “it’s trying to kill me” ehehehe

OHHHH i stumbled upon this cool picture