hehe check out my latest bed creation which defines the word comfort

:slight_smile: tell me what you think :slight_smile:

by the way the teddys are called barney the bearhog - andy the panda and harry the hound :slight_smile:

I have no idea what’s going on but your room looks to be the EXACT same colour as mine :slight_smile:

lol that looks sooooooooooo comfortable!! :slight_smile:

Ooh, a Homer Simpson bed. :wink:

yus it definatly is verrrrrrrrrrrrrry comfartable and and i made another which was twice as high again but when i got on it collapsed before i got a photo, oh and sureshot great minds enjoy the same colour :slight_smile:

wow, you could sleep for hours in a bed like that. at least i know i would (sans the teddy bears probably).