The updater to Flash MX 2004 should be released some time tomorrow. I would like to know what you guys think of the update, and of Macromedia’s efforts to respond to the user community.
Detailed feedback on where we have room for improvement is as important to us as praise. I would expect some heated expression of a few general frustrations here and there and that too is valuable; I only ask when every possible please provide constructive suggestions we can work from.
Thanks for the info Ken we are all looking forward to the new update hope it addresses the bugs we have found so far or most of them, still im using MX because i find it way more reliable and please dont try to make flash a highend powerpoint.
*Originally posted by ktoley *
**Hello Flash users,
The updater to Flash MX 2004 should be released some time tomorrow. I would like to know what you guys think of the update, and of Macromedia’s efforts to respond to the user community.
Detailed feedback on where we have room for improvement is as important to us as praise. I would expect some heated expression of a few general frustrations here and there and that too is valuable; I only ask when every possible please provide constructive suggestions we can work from.
I look forward to hearing from you,
-Ken **
hi all, i am new in this forum, but i feel that i have an obligation to make a post here. Some of the so called “problems” are already few years long. If u were to search around diff forums, or even in Macromedia’s forum itself, ppl are complaining like mad, including me. The documentation sucks, examples dont work, wont even compile. Macromedia have been seriously slow is responding users, while most of the time, they just ignore those posting. Weird and pathetic.
I installed the updated for Flash 2004 Pro. Improvement? nah… forget it.
Have you ever tried to respond to several thousand people, that all have a problem with something you did? Me neither, it has been my experience that they address the major problems first, ie crashes, and such, then they move on to things like producing smaller components, and as far as the problems with 2004 being around for years, ummm…didn’t it come out this year. Also, not everyone has some of the problems, for example I can open everyone of my old files, however, there have been complaints about old files not working. Piracy,another thing that doesn’t help the development process, they have to focus on protecting their work instead of fixing the minor bugs. Don’t become part of the problem by being the 5,000th person to post a bug either I think after hearing about it a few 10s maybe 100s of times they get it, and put it on the list of things to be looked at.
Flash rocks, far better product than I could’ve made, and I will check out they updator when I get home,