There is a World Map on your face

Who says I’m in England? :bad:

[color=darkblue]Your Location says so…If you’re not lying that is… W8, I’ll check Interpol rushes off to his buds at Interpol instead[/color]

[color=darkblue]My buds at Interpol 'll look at it during the night… Now, I myself am off to bed too… :sleep: goodnight! [/color]

I’m not in England, I’m outside your window :bad: I wouldn’t open the curtain if I were you :bad:

  • Soul :s:

[color=darkblue]Hey, I just woke up and opened the curtain, and you weren’t there anymore… What a disappointment… :sigh:[/color]

Yeah that was last night, I got bored waiting there… so I left :beam:

  • Soul :s:

[color=darkblue]Lol… I might as well give up :beam: [/color]

I win!! :stuck_out_tongue:

[color=darkblue]Euhm… I was going for a draw, but since you challenged me once again… grabs his M16 and runs to the location of Soul, provided by Interpol [/color]

throws tracking device out of the window of a moving vehicle Mwahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

blows up earth

back to the original thread, i too would like to see a picture, im not on my photoshop machine today…

[color=darkblue]Okay, I’ll submit one…[/color]