New avatar and first footer

[color=darkblue]So, what do you guys think? Post your comments here… I know the footer isn’t super, but it’s my first try, so… :beam: [/color]

[color=red] it’s the first footer with a message, Pritty cool if you ask me.
But what’s up with the nearly unseeable guy there on the left[/color]

[color=darkblue]Thx…but huh? What do you mean? Nearly unseeable? He’s pretty visible on my screen… Anybody else not seeing him?

EDIT: I got rid of 'em (it was a pixeldude)…Now it’s just a pic of me :beam:[/color]

[color=darkblue]WOW! Thx for all the feedback…NOT :trout:
Ah, j/k, it’s probably coz it sucks anyway ;( [/color]

I like 'em! I love the style!

[color=darkblue]Ah, finally :beam: Thanx a lot! [/color]

i like em both’

and i like the way you always write with blue ink, i think it’s it’s :beam:

yeah man i think that looks cool

That looks really nice, i just got my new one too, but i don’t know how to manage swf’s very well, and keep the file size down, so i ended up going with a jpg. Just made it an hour ago.

[color=darkblue]Thx for the positive feedback guys, really appreciate it… And er Ibn Batutah, to keep your filesize down, you’ll have to save your jpg as a .png, then import it in Flash (don’t allow smoothing and select around 80 as the quality). That should keep the file size down. But it looks great as it is right now too :beam: [/color]

the footer wont load for me.

[color=darkblue]That’s strange… You’re the first one to mention that… Dunno what the problem is… [/color]