Before you check out my site I have to warn you it is in dire need of optimizing (I am working on it). 2 meg preload…so if you have the patience or the connection speed, please read on.
I would really appreciate some critique here. This is my first attempt at flash and ANYTHING code except your basic html. After a couple of kirupa tuts and some others, I tried to incorporate some basic java, php, actionscript 1.0, and a little css.
I havent yet given any credit for the tuts that helped me…but that is a number one priority as soon as I finish the services section. If you see your works influence on my site rest assured I will be doing a more formal “Thank You”…but for now please except my gratitude for your sharing nature
Well long story short, My site is best viewed in ie because my portfolio is built to open larger images in a centered popup (courtesy of kirupas tuts)…but I haven’t got them to work with netscape or firefox yet. I know what I need to do there though.
Mostly I am an artist and love graphics, but a critique on the “flashing”, the artwork , and the package as whole would be very welcome. I am here to learn so do your worst. Thanks