This is pretty cool

just got this from a friend

jump around

Hehe, I love it :slight_smile:

lol thats very cool. :slight_smile:

haha that is cool - I posted it here a month or so back though :wink:

yah I know, I’m cool. :slight_smile:

wow that’s cool =)

speechless …How???

i think javascript

and it goes right with the video! Even when he jumps off to the side the window moves down a little and to the right a little!

Yeah, thats pretty easy to do with Javascript, but it is cool how he integrated it in with the character in the box.

I remember before it used to be a pop-up (seen this about a year ago), the pop up would be the side of the box that he is in, so when he pushed the sides, it actually did look like he was pushing the pop up window.

I don’t know why they changed it though, but they did.

Someone coughShanecough needs to explain how something like this is done!

Explanation: Javascript moveTo(x,y) and moveBy(x,y) functions :wink:

There ya go :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks hehe :stuck_out_tongue: