This made my day

nice physics! … and stress relief

beautiful. Good find.

i remember the girl in the bikini version:) great physics, nonetheless;)

does this one have a bottom?
I remember one did and there were spikes on the bottom :stuck_out_tongue:

ok wow ! I liked this one best:stunned:

lol it is cool,

OFFTOPIC: ^^ hey nikov you get inspired for your name by i dunno…maybe
Nokrev? maybe its just me lol.

I had never seen one of these, i love it!! lol I made my day too!!
Really this is awesome, . Where can i find more of these kind of animations???
Thanks and see you!!!

lol people would have decompiled the original one- it was with a girl in a bikini hahah

HAHAHA that was cool :D:D

Hehe i thought is was nokrev who said that lol :stuck_out_tongue:
BTW… do you people also read nokrev as novrek ? :puzzled:

I remeber the one they did with Usama Bin Laden… holds on like that a girl in a bikini called BONELESS!

That’s fun. :smiley:

Hmmm… :lol:

i always read
it as novrek
it sounds better

I called nokrev novrek once and he got mad at me.

Really? I was probably just mocking you. :wink:

already seen it, but it stays fun :smiley:

the original was that tetka girl… posted somewhere on these forums too… in that thread the bush version is posted too…