This might be more of an html question but

im making a separate background in fireworks and when im loading it as my bg in dreamweaver it keeps tiling the thing =/, can’t find where to make it not do that and i forget the tag -n- such to make it not do that.

sorry, might be a dumb question but it’s bugging me =/

thx for the help.

create a css style and then make the background image, there are choices for tiling.

If you don’t know CSS here’s the code that’ll do it.

<style type="text/css">
body {background: url(yourbg.jpg) no-repeat;}

Didn’t appear with the vb code tags :-\

Place this between your head tags.

<style type="text/css">
body {background: url(yourbg.jpg) no-repeat;}

yea thats what i meant. i was trying to tell him to go to the css panels and do that.

ahhh aight thx, i’ll work wit that =D

heh i’ve been wanting to make better borders and bg’s for my flash movies and stuff but couldn’t get em to work, this should gimme a head start, appreciate it thx.

I used that thing once…well…what can I say. I either hand code or use Topstyle Pro 3 for CSS depending on the complexity… :-\

i often find hadn coding certain things in dreamweaver gives me better results. this being one of them. although i must say im not a fan of bg images :stuck_out_tongue: