This might be stupid=)

ive looked in the help files in flash but i cant find it.

How do i load in a movie clip from my library on to the stage?

drag and drop

or you can do it with actionscrip using the attachMovieClip command

type that in your actionscript editor and then click the lil dictionary icon to see what flash says about how to use it :slight_smile:

if you have a more specific question than that … post it =)

can i load this into levels?

yes, when you type the attachMovieClip command one of the things you put in between the parenthesis is the level to which you want the MC loaded

be aware that a level has to exist before you can attach movies into it

i thought levels werer like a type of layer that was always there??

There are levels and there are depths.

In Flash 5 help (maybe MX too), Macromedia mistakenly refered to depths as levels explaining that you can attach, duplicate or swapDepths movieclips into new levels. However, the term “level” or “_level” is reserved for the levels at which external swfs can be loaded using loadMovieNum(“swfURL”, levelNumber). These are not the same as depths. Depths represent the arrangement of movieclips in a timeline. levels too are in arrangement, but only with other levels or with other loaded swfs.

In reference to layers, in a published swf, progmatically, there are no layers. In actionscript, you have no reference to layers and they are as good as gone when the flash movie is made into a swf. For the most part, they only allow you to organize your arrangement of placed movieclips more effectively, though each one of those movieclips is resolved to a single depth which dictates its arrangement in respect to all the other movieclips in that timeline. This can be checked using movieclipName.getDepth();

attaching a movie from the library requires not only that you specify a depth for the newly attached movie to exist, but what movieclip or timeline it is to exist in. That timeline can be either _root, a movieclip of some sort or a level like _level2 - but only if a swf was loaded into that level, otherwise it wont exist and not clip will be attached