This Person Does Not Exist

Hmmm… what you folks up to internally? :smile:

Sensei all the things! image

Yeah I kind of forgot about that.

I remember seeing a few years back that Adobe was gonna use AI to create a web builder. Is Spark the culmination of those two years?

Should we expect all Adobe products soon to be just a string input with a single button, or voice command input, yielding AI generated content across all mediums. :slight_smile:

In all seriousness are you participating with AI/ML in your current role?

Nope. Web builders are kind of passé now. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t say “soon”, but its kind of heading that way. Each team is kind of doing their own initiatives for integrating this kind of stuff, and some products have it already, others will be getting something likely soon. Lots going on, in AI, ML, and voice. Spark specifically is trying to keep things simple, but its not targeting the creative pros most of the other apps are. But I have seen some pretty cool voice demos though, where the “single button” (i.e. listen to my voice) UI is starting to look more promising. Practically holodeck level stuff.

No, not me. I’m still doing menial tasks like improving internationalization support. Spark Post, however, has some ML stuff going on. You wouldn’t think it looking at what it does, but there are hidden treats in there for determining layouts and other weird stuff like that. It’s no not-a-real-person face generation, but interesting tech in its own right.

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At Adobe or otherwise? I feel like in general more apps spawn all the time.

From what I have read many Dreamweaver users may feel it is heading towards a single button ever since past CS6. Seems many think its now a shell of what it once was.

In that (excerpt) regard, I really wish Adobe product teams would have worked together better over the years across apps. But I suspect that ideal is too far gone at this point. Or maybe its improving?

Yeah I noticed that, seems more for the masses, integration across social, etc. I think its a good idea in that regard. But there seems to be voids across Adobe web products regarding pros.

Ha, ha cool.

You used to do some awesome side stuff in the Flash days what does your imagination conjure up on your own time nowadays?

This one started to speak “beep beep…killllll meeeeee, dot matrix printer noise”

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At Adobe. There have been some initiatives, but they all end up going nowhere.

I think the need is seen, but its really hard to coordinate. There are a lot of teams, a lot of people working on those teams, across many countries, and often working in really old, difficult codebases. Spark is fairly new and coordination there - even though the apps are all under the same umbrella with teams fairly close to one another - is quite bad. Its understood, and people want it to be better, but other priorities keep getting in the way.

Nothing. :frowning: I end up spending too much time in front of the computer for work so I end up ignoring any ideas I might end up possibly pursuing on my own (like a new card game). :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah it’s going to be a problem. It’s going to be a problem for them. It’s outrageous. Egregious. Preposterous.

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So another acquisition coming down the pipes again? Or Adobe is giving up and exiting the web in those capacities ?

Yikes, that sounded like the perfect chance for change.

I hear ya, but you got mad silly skills so thats a shame.

Ha ha, giddy up!

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Someone made a sketch plugin.


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And they caught it on tape! Scandalous!

This poor girl still has her graduation cap on and already has one of those smoker holes in her throat.

I was actually going to post this as a joke when I noticed a lot of the generated faces also have this same shifted teeth look. Also many of the faces seem to have overall ugly teeth. This is possibly how we will spot the T-800

Can I customize the growths that appear on people’s foreheads too?

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At this point, I’m pretty sure you can do that and give those growths an AI-generated backstory that can one day be made into a HBO TV series :game_die:

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