This script in AS3?

Can anybody help and try to explain how to make this compatible with AS3? Thanks!

import flash.filters.BlurFilter;

var stagewidth = 650;
var stageheight = 450;
var ease_speed = .1;

//attach images

var num_images = 3;

var myBlur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(15, 15, 1);

for(i = 2; i <= num_images; i++) {
	_root["image"+ i +"_mc"].filters = [myBlur];

_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
	mousex_per = (_xmouse / stagewidth);
	mousey_per = (_ymouse / stageheight);
	for(i = 1; i <= num_images; i++) {
		tempxtar = 0 - (_root["image"+ i +"_mc"]._width - stagewidth) * mousex_per; 
		tempytar = 0 - (_root["image"+ i +"_mc"]._height - stageheight) * mousey_per;
		_root["image"+ i +"_mc"]._x += (tempxtar - _root["image"+ i +"_mc"]._x) * ease_speed;
		_root["image"+ i +"_mc"]._y += (tempytar - _root["image"+ i +"_mc"]._y) * ease_speed;