This sucks

shesh replode. durring school its 10 or 11 fur me. i went to bed at 2 AM and woke up at 10…i need more sleep…

usually on friday nights, i go to bed around 3 and sleep in till im done, which is usually around 10-12 hours. then i go to bed later the next night, and it keeps building up.

for me, i usally wake up around 1:30. but i go to bed around 1:)
but now that i have summer school, i have to get to bed earlyer

ranoka - yeah it was out of 100. The test was just on random obscure crap that has no real point other than to bug us people. My road test is on the 8th… woo

w00t. how long do you have to have your permite before you get your license?