Hey everyone, this is a slightly different take on the X Posts! of yesteryear. On Thursday I will have been a kirupaforum member for three years. It’s nice to have been here so long and to have witnessed so much take place. I wish I could be part of the first 100 members or so, but I’m not quite that old, a few of you have been around a lot longer than me.
I’d like to say thanks to everyone for everything thus far, it’s been a lot of fun. I can remember how big of a deal it was when we got 10,000 members. It seemed like such a milestone. Now we’ve got over 40,000. It’s nice to see kirupaforum really taking off. A lot of you guys don’t remember Soul, Asphalt, Rev, Phil, Raydred, Marz, or any of that old crowd from a year or two ago, but it was some fun times. I’ve seen a lot of regulars come and go and it’s been really interesting.
I came here looking to learn flash and quickly lost track of that and built up my Random posts. I think I was pretty close to getting banned at one point, but I didn’t quite pull a mdipi before getting modded. It’s been a lot of fun being a more integral part of the community as a moderator as well.
There’s really not much point to this other than me getting sappy and saying thanks to everyone. I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been here and it’s even helped me decide what to do with my life. Some of the friends I’ve made here I wouldn’t trade for the world.
Here’s to three more years.