Thunder in August

This is cool, i am in Sacramento, CA, and this is the first time i think that it is raining in August here…

theres like lightning every 10 seconds, and thunder and rain, its awesome!

Anyone else getting some rainage?

This year Chicago has been pretty soggy. Rained more than it usually does this summer.


aww, i want some mad skillz blunder and frightning, i love it, being all safe in yer house when its all goin on out side, although its also cool to stay outside…(just not on a golfcourse or under a tree) :slight_smile:

lol, yeah but i cant get my cast wet, so i have to stay inside :frowning:

The previous 3 days excluding yesterday it rained and thundered here.

I’m in the northeast … I’m getting mighty tired of the rain this year! We’re like 4 inches above average rainfall, and there have only been like 4 weekends without rain this whole summer.

Rain? Thunder? … Bah!

I’m in Sacramento as well…this whole summer has been crazy here…

but I love it :love:

it’s usually over a hundred :m: the whole three months, this year only July was like that

…let the rains begin :thumb:

badmagik man i hear you. i think they said out of 28 weekends something like 18 have been rain or snow. and last year we had a drought. crazy.

Oh hell yeah man … the whole freakin’ weather system is screwed.

And global warming my butt - it was freakin COLD at State College, PA this winter. Somethin’s wrong when you have snow on Halloween. The football games were unbearable, and it was warmer inside the ice rink than it was outside most times.

Yep thunderstorms here too.

Some people don’t believe it, but during summer in Canada it gets up to about 34C plus humidity (something like 102F) Holy crap its hot.

same here… well not exactly but no sun either… and thunder every once in a while!