I’ve been playing around with these tutorials http://www.tonypa.pri.ee/tbw/
And have come up with a simple idea, it was all going well until it came down to following the tutorials such as placing enemies, their AI and shooting in regards to the Isometric techniques instead of the flat 2D.
I’ve been playing around and come up with this so far : www.infernal-covenant.com/flash/isometricthingie.zip
But the problem I’m having is no matter how I attempt to place the enemy movieclips they just sit in the top left corner. I’m assuming it’s simply a problem with the 2d x and y.
I’m hoping someone can help me with a little more insight into this situation as it has me completely stumped.
Most important is working out how to place the enemy clips in the right place. I’m sure I can stumble through from there with stupid AI and what not.
While the tutorials I’m using are good, they don’t actually explain in much detail.