I’m trying to create a tiled RPG-like map. Right now I have my tile engine which spits out a 20 X 8 tiled map of 50px by 50px movieclips, and each of these movieclips flip to their assigned tile frame.
Now, I also have a character which runs around the field and I have a vcam(A camera script which sets ‘camera’ on a specified target) which follows it, however this results in massive lag, well on my 1.8Ghz computer anyway ( I use my 1.8Ghz as a benchmark lol, if my game can run on my ancient 1.8Ghz, it can run on anything :P)
I use the vcam to follow my character as they run around, so the terrain is kept still and the character is what moves - The reason I did it this way around(instead of keeping the character stationary and moving the background instead) is because this is the only way I know of that allowed me to add in other characters ( like NPCs ) which would also be able to move around the stage, and the main character your controlling would be able to swapDepths with it and be able to go behind and in front of the NPC.
I heard that bitMaps are much faster, so I took out a grass tile, made it a jpg and chucked it back in, it didn’t seem to help the speed though.
So, Does anyone have any ideas I could try to speed this up?