Tile Scrolling

I’m writing a tile based game engine called NTE. I want to know how I should manage the tile scrolling. Before I started writing, I was using TonyPa’s tutorials for all my stuff, so I have a good idea what Im doing. What I actually want to know is what’s better to use:

Moving a MovieClip from one side of the stage to the other, then changing it’s frame and attributes: Would this have any possibility of causing problems? The last thing I need is for blank tiles to come up on slower systems… I would add a buffer of maybe 2 tiles on each side of the viewable area though, just to be safe.

Adding all MovieClips where they should be, but not adding anything to them, so using a blank frame: Would this cause the scrolling engine to go slow? This seems to be TonyPa’s method, using blank frames where they’re invisible, then once they’re being seen or in the buffer, they go to the right frame pretty much.

I do not want this running slow, the engine has to be able to manage at least 30fps on slower systems, with about 20x15 tiles being shown at a time. Also, if anyone’s got some parts of a scrolling engine written, it would save me some time :slight_smile: