So I have a navigation background bar that adjusts it’s with to the stage and the height is defined in it’s XML file. Now this works great, I’m trying to add a tiled image to the background. The image is the same height as the background graphic so it only needs to be repeated on the x axis. Below is my code, I feel something small may be off because it looks right but it doesn’t want to work.
protected function _initMenuBg():void
var size : Object = StageController.getInstance().getSize();
var h : int = size.h;
var w : int = size.w;
_mainMenuBg = new Sprite();
_mainMenuBg.alpha = 0;
Tweener.addTween(_mainMenuBg, { alpha:1, time:tweenerTime, transition:"easeoutquad" } );
var bgloader = new Loader();
bgloader.load(new URLRequest("assets/images/nav-background.png"));
var bitground:BitmapData = new BitmapData(bgloader.width, bgloader.height, false);
bitground.draw(bgloader);, null, true, true);
DrawRectUtil.draw(_mainMenuBg, w, _mainMenuBgHeight, _mainMenuBgColor, _mainMenuBgAlpha);;
container.addChildAt(_mainMenuBg, 0);