Till next time

Originally posted by ahmed
ah… can you list em? :stuck_out_tongue:


That would be interesting indeed…

ahmed, how about no? :stuck_out_tongue:

I may be away for a few days. Just to let you all know. I am moving tomorrow and I might not have my internet turned on until Monday afternoon… it could be as early as tomorrow night, but I don’t know how much time I will have. :slight_smile:

Well… I’ll see you all when I return. :wink:

I, too am leaving…

I am going camping w/friends (I think we are up to 7 or 8) on the beach about 4 hours north of here (Mendocino area, about 5 hours south of where I grew up), to spend some time with the big trees and breathe in the Pacific Mist for a weekend. It is supposed to be in the 80’s… lets hope.

My g/f is a City Girl from Jamaica… she did okay last fall in Yosemite… although she does want to sleep in the car this time… I haven’t asked why, yet… I’m just glad she is going (she can get motion sickness from the curvey roads)…

I’m taking the digital, so if any of the shots arent incriminating, I’ll post a few for you fellow mods…

::note to self… buy DEET::


I’ll be back Sunday.

by then, hopefully Jubba will be back…


I hope I will be back by then too. I plan on getting some pictures too. I am attending my friends wedding on Saturday. The reception should prove very interesting… :evil:

details will follow when I return.

Enjoy your trip Rev. :slight_smile:

thanks Jubba…

it just up’d to 8…

I guess a bunch of us want to get the L out of Dodge…



Goin’ to pick up the car… some big boat of a thing…

Talk to you guys on Sunday at the earliest…
