im sorry to announce that i will be leaving kirupafourms starting monday. i really need to concentrate on home work right now. so i might come here and there during a 2 week period. :*(
that sucks… good luck!
laughs sadly
How can you let spam get in the way of your education???
That’s so bad, man. You shouldn’t do that.
i don’t believe you
you’'ll be back said in arnold’s voice
Uh oh, EG might take this news very hard. :!:
I forgot to mention I like your new footer Shane, sorry about the spam.
Why does EG care? Alex and him good buddies?
Thanks Aislin
EG lives to make fun of Alex.
good luck Alex. I know you’ll be back, and you are doing the right thing. The piece of paper is more important than screwing around in here right now. You’ll return when you have more time so we can poke fun at you some more.
good luck with school.
i think i’ll have to do the same alex… i know how it feels :sleep:…
… ack… school
you’d better get back to school. look at the name of this thread. you put ‘fourums’ instead of forums.
English class, here I come!
*Originally posted by Aislin *
you’d better get back to school. look at the name of this thread. you put ‘fourums’ instead of forums.
he put ‘fourms’ and and not ‘fourums’
hahahahaha, aislin, i could swear you had WAAAAAAy more posts…
yup, :whistle: :whistle:
pours gasoline on aislin
quiet, makavelakavelikaveli. I did. Until some sort of… roll-back.
Reminds me of the Diablo 2 days, when a super thing was uncovered, and the acct.s would be rolled back two days because of the exposing of a super thing.
If I were you Aislin…
I wouldn’t ever log out… you never know, we may not let you back in…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**If I were you Aislin…
I wouldn’t ever log out… you never know, we may not let you back in…
Rev **
is that a threat rev?
aislin: please learn how to copy paste & or learn how to speel!!!
I never threaten Mak…
it was just a word to the wise…
I’ll speel however I want.
revrnd flsh, y u thrtn me? thretn? mi? nts. im scrd.
im going to be back here and there. once i get my grades higher:-\ but i plan on coming back.
good for you dude. you gotta set your priorities right
when you leave close the door, but don´t lock it =)