Someone sent this to me… got a fun little chuckle from it
On Wednesday this week, at two minutes and three
seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date
will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.
That won’t ever happen again.
You may now return to your (normal ?) life.
If it’s been posted before you can slapy me silly and call me susie cause I didn’t do a search
I got that last night. Amazing how fast it travels around the world web. I wonder if something like that can be traced?
April 4, 2006, 8:53pm
haha. that did make me chuckle.
wont this happen again on 12 hour time at 1pm as well?
unless you are a military time person . . .
haha I get it 01 :02 :03 04 /05 /06 .
April 4, 2006, 9:06pm
who says i won’t be around in 3006?
April 4, 2006, 9:24pm
Frivolous fact… That kinda date-time combo will come every thousand years
How about 06 : 06 : 06 - 06 /06 /06 ???
April 4, 2006, 10:05pm
You mean 100 years? 2106.
In the UK we’ll have it on may the 4th… as we have dd/mm/yy instead of your mm/dd/yy something for us to look forward to
Didn’t do a search…oooo. what were you saying about the search button
I heard about this too. Sounds like everybody in the world should jump at the time (central time, of course, since we’re the best ;P).
it occurs every hundred years as said - so you might see it happen again - you never know how long you will live
I don’t fancy being 123…:ko:
GMT/BST time is the most central of them all So we’re the best
well none of us will live too long because we’re all sitting in front of harmful radiation monitors that will only be discovered when we’re all sick and dying…
think about it, think in the 60’s when racing drivers where wearing asbestos overalls they didn’t think it would have done them so much harm. No idea what could be hurting you know…monitors, mobiles, ipods?
but who knows what age-extending stuff will be discovered in the next 50 years - surely some of us can last that long eh?
How about 06: 06: 06 - 06 /06 /06 ???
number of the beast!! :rocker:
I wish I had known this before I left yesterday, I’m up about every two hours. I could have fired a couple shots off in the night sky to celebrate.
Bleh… not really special next year it’ll be 07:07:07 - 07.07.07