What about Coleco Vision? That sounds like it no?
What about Coleco Vision? That sounds like it no?
I would like to see what my parents looked like as a kid :P.
You don’t have pics? I have a few of my folks and even grandparents as kids. It’s fun to trace the features down through the generations. I’ve got my grandma’s nose but thank GOD I don’t haver her hips or butt!
::off topic::
I remember trying to figure out how to play football… I think I was 18 or so, and this was such a technological jump from the current game console, which we all owned, the Atari 2600…
::back to topic::
you can watch as new solar systems are created, or perhaps you mean our world, well… it’s obvious god didn’t, or even I’d be acting like a christian (no offense meant christians)
I’d go quite far back and find a way to prove god doesn’t exist, probably by proving evolution or something, perhaps that he didn’t create the universe, I’ll reply when I think of the best way to do it…
AH! I’ve got it, come to the first christians, and catch them in the act of writing the bible! ah ha! simply false (again, no offense) :lol:
runs for cover from her own thread
I would go back to the day when this site went online for the very first time :beam:
how about…
be in a major city (can’t remember the name, sorry) when Alexander the great came knocking at the door
be at vesivus when the volcano errupted
watch Cleopatra cuddle her asp
be in the Roman cenate when Julius Caesar entered for the last time
be there when Jesus was crucified
being in the audience when an 8 year old Mozart came in to play us some of his music
be standing beside the first officer of the titanic when he didn’t see the iceberg
meeting a young truck driver in memphis and watch him become the King
be in Marilyns bedroom when she “committed suicide”
be ringside the night contender Cassius Clay became World Champion Muhammed Ali
be on the first concorde
watch Senna race his last lap from trackside
be outside Mandelas prison when he came walking out waving
millions of others spring to mind but these are some of the things I’d do :beam:
Among them:
Roswell and see what happened for my self.
The telling of the first joke
uh, I had a bunch, but now I can’t remember.
huh? did my post get deleted?
of course it did.
and you know why.
this isn’t the place for contradiction, that is for another thread, and forum.
I do, that was great system. I wish I hadn’t needed money for college and sold mine at the time. Lady collector paid be $500 for it in 1985.
I think I would go back in time and watch myself being born. See how it really went down. Interesting topic.
I think I would go back in time and watch myself being born. See how it really went down. Interesting topic.
Dude youd have to see…ahhh nevermind.
Very interesting bro :thumb:
Welcome to the forums too!
Thanks, you guys seem like a nice crowd. But yeah, I think I’d have to look away at some moments, but just those things I’d want to do.
I would do either of the following:
Go back and shadow Nostradamus for a day and see what methods he used to predict future events.
Float in the water while the Loch Ness monster makes his/her appearance.
lol, my mom made my dad take pics in the delievery room! She just bought herself a slide scanner not too long ago and started going through 30+ years of slides and guess what she sent me? Yeah, not something you want to see when you sit down at your desk at 7 a.m. and are taking those first sips of coffee.
Actually we had a couple pics hanging in the hallway of the house I grew up in. Luckily they were taken from a more (ahem) discrete angle. I still looked like a little slimy alien though.
[size=-4]still do some say[/size]
Oh yeah, i’d like to be a fly on the wall when Shakespeare was writing something. :bu:
I got you beat…
I have a photograph of the car, a 1960 Ramber American, in which I was conceived in the back seat…
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