Well, I don’t know if that is as . . . um . . . enlightening . . . as seeing a pic of your own head popping out of . . . well, you get it.
But that is still very cool. Too bad you don’t still have the car!
Well, I don’t know if that is as . . . um . . . enlightening . . . as seeing a pic of your own head popping out of . . . well, you get it.
But that is still very cool. Too bad you don’t still have the car!
I dont think he wants the car he swam in while he was a sperm.
Am I correct there rev?
I’d want to be in the room with the guy that invented the macarana, hiding behind the curtains. The second he gets that look on his face indicating that he just thought of the macarana, jump out of the curtains, sucker punch, out cold, thought gone forever.
Heck, I didn’t even want to know where I was concieved, let alone that it was in a car, let alone that it was a [size=3]Rambler[/size]…
Not something you should have to come to grips with, while going thru adolescence, and still riding in the backseat of that very same car like I had for the last 15 years…
Brought a whole new experience to “going to town.”
If I could do just thing I would go back to February 09 1999 and register Kirupa.com and give my future self all his free time back.
hey lunatic and rev, I might have your birth/conception stories beat…
how about your dad, drunk one night, telling you the story of your conception :h:
I didn’t realise what he was talking about at first but when I realised it was my conception he was telling me about I stuck my fingers in my ears and ran from the room.
You don’t have to know that your parents were drunk and had sex at a party while my dad held the door closed with his foot because my uncle (my dads brother) was trying to get in the room because he thought there was more beer in there.
parents should be shot.
j/k of course
just give me the gun
omg i almost peed my pants on that one. I am so sorry - I don’t mean to laugh but that is a pretty freakin’ hilarious story.
On a similar (sadder) note, a friend of mine was told by her mom at the age of 15 that the only reason she was alive was because the condom broke . . .
I’d only go forward…to see where the hell I end up…and what I need to change now before I get there.
I’m glad my pain amuses you lunatic…
ah, I’m only joking I don’t mind besides your allowed to laugh it’s your birthday.
I find it pretty funny myself sometimes. :beam:
As for your friend I’ve learned to think it’s not how you got here, it’s what you do while here :thumb:
what kind of mom is that?!?!? its like a friend of my aunt, her husband died one month ago and she (the friend) told her the worst are the next days and weeks, c´mon! u r not supposed to say that!
ok, back to topic! sorry…
I know I thought it was awful - they were having a huge fight and I think it just sort of came out.
Rab I’m sorry, it wasn’t right of me to laugh. Really I think its kind of sweet that your parents were happy and having a good time and loving each other and you were the result of that. And I bet they think back about your uncle trying to get into the room and they have a good laugh about that and look lovingly at each other and remember the good times you know? I guess that is what makes me smile.
And yes, your attitude about it all is excellent. :love:
Woodstock!!! simple.
had Intellivision until uncle loser borrowed it and said it got stolen, I think he sold it for drug money, but oh well, then my other uncle, uncle rich guy now, gave us an atari 800, which was a very old computer…came out after the 2600, and was an actual computer…but it was no intellivsion
stop 9/11
meet kurt cobain
hmmmm…save lives or meet kurt = /
lol, I’d certainly go for kurt, or perhaps the downing of the wall (was floyd really at that or is that false, I don’t believe it)
Sarcastic Here I was thinking we couldn’t go back in time and attempt to change the future. /Sarcastic
who likes my sig lol
[SIZE=1]fu*k John Titor and the time machine he rode on[/SIZE]
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